Know My Options

Know My Options

Foreclosure should NEVER be an option. If you want to save your home, we will fight and advocate for you. If you must leave your home, we will fight and advocate for you to leave on your terms and with a financial incentive (CASH). If you have already left your home (even if you have filed Chapter 7 Bankruptcy)  and simply want to protect your credit or avoid a foreclosure, that may prevent you from future employment or purchasing a new home, we are here to discuss and assist you. Many options include getting you financial assistance (CASH). Call now for complete details.

Some loss mitigation alternatives we offer include:

  • Loan Modifications: The lender agrees to modify one or more of the terms of the note and mortgage to make the payments more affordable to the borrower.
  • Reinstatement: The borrower brings the loan current by paying all amounts past due on the account.
  • Pay-offs: The borrower pays the loan in full.
  • Deeds-in-lieu of Foreclosure: The borrower voluntarily transfers title to the property to the lender to avoid foreclosure.
  • Repayment Plan/Forbearance Programs: The lender agrees to put the foreclosure on hold while the borrower makes monthly payments to gradually bring the loan current.
  • Short Sale: The lender agrees to accept less than what is owed in full satisfaction of the loan through a sale to a third party.

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