Check My ForeClosure Status

If you received a mailer, text, or phone call from our staff you can use this feature to check the status of your foreclosure.

If you did not receive a mailer, text or phone call your information may not be in our database. Use the form below to request our team to investigate the status of your foreclosure. Be sure to include your property address. The service is free.

Disclaimer: Information provided may not be accurate due to your sale may have been postponed or sold already. You should always check with your mortgage company/servicer and their assigned foreclosure attorney for up to date information or allow our staff to do it for you!

Search by Address, Name, FC Sale #

Address Search
FC Sale Number Name Address 1 Address 2 Sale Date
10-196870 David Harris 15 Lincoln Street New Castle, DE 19720 12/12/2023
10-596843 David Reed 1221 B Street Wilmington, DE 19801 12/12/2023
10-659432 Gracie Lolley 116 Clyde Street Wilmington, DE 19804 12/12/2023
10-985438 James Evans 1055 Blackbird Landing Road Townsend, DE 19734 12/12/2023

Check my Foreclosure Status