Terms Of Services

Legal Disclaimer

Foreclosure Prevention Advocacy Network LLC dba FCHelp.org is not associated with the government, any nonprofit housing counselor agency or program, any governmental homeowner assistance plan, any federal, state, or local government agency, unit, or department, any other individual, entity or program and our service is not approved by the government or your lender. Even if you accept this offer and use our service, your lender may not agree to change your loan. You may stop doing business with us at any time. You may accept or reject any offer of mortgage modification we may obtain from your lender or servicer. If you reject the offer, you do not have to pay us. We are not attorneys; we do not offer legal advice. You should consult with an attorney for bankruptcy or legal advice. FCHelp do not offer financial advice. You should always consult with a licensed financial advisor for tax implications due to a modification, shortsale or sale of your home. FCHelp will never express or imply that you should not contact or communicate with your lender or servicer.

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