Take their word for it

Kevin M. Home Saved

After spending over$8000 in attorney fees my home was still going to sheriff sale/foreclosure sale. FPANetwork stepped in and stopped the sale. Several months later my mortgage was modified with a payment I could afford. The best part is, they did not charge me a dime!

Chynthia Reinstated Kept My Home

I was days away from a sheriff sale. I received a postcard from FPANetwork and called. They were able to stop my foreclosure sale in less than 48 hours. Plus, they were able to get the bank to remove fees and penalties that allowed me to afford to reinstate my mortgage and resume making payments. When no one else could help and all hope was gone, FPANetwork stepped in and helped me.

Phillis and Dave Bankruptcy and Left

My husband and I filed bankruptcy, left home and was peacefully renting another home. We received a call from FPANetwork and they explained even though we filed bankruptcy and left we still had the right to pre-foreclosure options. They were able to get us $10,000 from the bank for a property we abandoned several years ago

Michael Got the Government to Pay

The mortgage company wanted over $100,000 to reinstate my mortgage. I received a phone call from FPANetwork and I must admit, I cussed them out. After I came to my senses I called back, and they expressed they understood my frustration. FPANetwork was able to get the Government to pay $70,000 towards the reinstatement and my loan was modified. I am so glad I humbled myself and called back. Nothing but praises

Judy Tragedy and Blessed

Please forgive me for being graphic but this is my story. I was involved in an attempted murder suicide that made national news. I survived but the home I simply could not sell because of the known details. FPANetwork was able to get the bank to except less than the balance owed. FPANetwork found a buyer the property sold. They also negotiated for the bank to give me a $20,000 relocation check. It came at a time I was engaged. The money was a blessing towards my wedding. FPANetwork was a God send.

Reggie Scammed

A company that was ran by an attorney told me to give him my mortgage payments and he would hold in escrow while he modified my mortgage. Never happen, he closed his office and walked away with thousands of my dollars. FPANetwork modified my mortgage (saved my home) and helped me track down the attorney to recover some of my funds. Wish I had contacted FPANetwork first.

Jason Clearance

As a Chef I never thought I would need a security clearance. I then received an opportunity to cook for political VIP clients. I had left my home because I could not afford it and moved to another state. FPANetwork called, I explained I could not have a foreclosure with this job opportunity. Thank you FPANetwork handling everything helping me avoid foreclosure allowing me to get this great job. Would not have without your help.